To save you both time and money, Tri-Starr offers administrative and payroll services including:
Providing benefits plans to the employee — Any workers employed through Tri-Starr receive a benefits package from our agency, saving you thousands in benefits plus the time it would take your human resources department to educate employees on their benefit options.
Employee time tracking — We will work with you to set up a customized time tracking system and double check all submitted time cards to ensure accuracy and prevent inconsistencies that can delay your payroll and HR processes.
Processing payroll — Our experienced payroll services staff will work with your team and all temporary employees to keep everyone on the same page, ensuring payroll runs on time and errorfree. You can rest easy knowing our payroll services are compliant with all state and federal
W-2 processing and taxes — Taxes can be a nightmare for any employer, but when Tri-Starr is in the mix, there’s no question your payroll taxes are done right.